Longevity. Simplified.

Everyone is searching for that elusive elixir of longevity, the fountain of youth if you will. What they don’t realize, however, is that not only is the answer right in front of them, but it is also extremely inexpensive. There is no magic pill, at least not yet, nor is there a technology that rights all of our metabolic glitches, attacks our genetic mutations and rejuvenates our physiology like those seen on Star Trek. The latter, in fact, is quite a ways off, in spite of what futurists say. So for now, we Americans, who statistically speaking are due to live 78.8 years, are stuck with current anti-aging modalities. But is it that bad? Are you destined to live (78.8 – your current age) more years? Nope. Why?

Because you too can implement a time-tested anti-aging strategy that has afforded the people of Monaco eleven additional years of life relative to the average American. YEARS! That’s right; life expectancy in Monaco is 89.5 years. So what’s their secret? I can tell you with certainty that it is nothing cryptic and nothing out of your reach, cost-wise. Borne into their culture, however, are things that are literally “foreign” to us. And these make all the difference, granting the Monacoians, on average, an extra decade with friends and family. It shouldn’t surprise you that similar factors are part and parcel of the culture of Okinawa that boasts the world’s largest population of centenarians.

Now let’s take a look at these in juxtaposition to those of American culture:

Diet: The Monacaoian diet, go figure, is a typical Mediterranean diet replete with fish containing high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, greens and olive oil. Now throw in a small daily dose of resveratrol (if you get my drift), and you’ve got a highly cardioprotective diet. Now contrast it with the standard American diet (or SAD, literally) that is loaded with omega-6 fatty acids, saturated fat, and high glycemic index carbohydrates AND plated in super-sized portions. A veritable “recipe” for disaster, fast-tracking folks to the emergency room.

Activity: The Monocaoians and the Okinawans lead active lifestyles. Exercise, even low-intensity exercise such as walking, is part of their daily ritual. Numerous studies have shown that exercise is beneficial not only to the body but for the brain as well, particularly in the context of memory. [Check this out!] Interestingly, the average BMI (body-mass index) of an Okinawan is 20, a product of their daily activity and healthy diet. Now contrast this to the average BMI of an American: 28.6 [CDC data]. Interpretation? The average American is categorically “overweight,” an independent risk factor for age-related disease.

Stress: The stress levels in Monaco and Okinawa comparatively speaking are far lower than those stateside. Chronic tress kills, remember. [Click here, I’ll prove it you.] Through the sinister actions of cortisol, chronic stress will cause high blood pressure, hyperglycemia and ultimately pre-diabetes or the insulin-resistant state, weight gain and a dampened immune response. The upshot? Accelerated aging and a predisposition to every age-related disease in the book: cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and Alzheimer’s disease. Get it? Those living the longest keep stress levels at bay. How? Through social engagement, meditation, tai chi and a relatively carefree lifestyle. Easier said than done, I know, as we’re all caught up in the rat race. Of course, that too is a choice.

Bottom line?

Every single one of you has access to time-tested, proven anti-aging strategies that can be easily implemented independent of your financial status. Heck, the average annual income of an Okinawan is about USD 20,000. So you have no excuses. That said health takes “work” masqueraded as exercise, proper food choices and daily stress reduction. It’s less of a financial issue than is commonly portrayed and more of a disciplinary one, therefore. People ask me what I “sell” in my clinic, expecting an answer such as “supplements” or “hormones.” Nope. I sell one thing:

COMMITMENT. A commitment to health. It’s what Ponce de Leon was searching for…