The Philosophy Of Senolytix

Feel Great.
Look Great.
Live Stronger.
Increase Healthspan.

Yes, it is possible, independent of your chronological age, to look and feel decades younger. I know you feel as if the aging process has caught up to you and you no longer have the “resilience” you did in your 20’s. Well, that’s partly the truth. You see, you have aged in that you’ve walked this earth for a certain number of years during which time your body has been assaulted by free radicals – the byproduct of metabolism. Think of a car’s cylinders. Over time – just by virtue of their exposure to the explosive heat – they wear out. As does your body! For lack of a better analogy, you are “rusting” on the inside – being oxidized, albeit slowly. The upshot? A slowed metabolism resulting in weight gain – not the good type – hardening of the arteries, brain fog, forgetfulness, and loss of libido – All things attributed to “just getting older.” At least that’s what your doctor will tell you. Not Dr. Osborn though.

A “Health-centric” not “Disease-centric” model.

While we all are stricken by the inevitable disease of aging, you can slow down its progression. How? By showing your body the right “signals.” As per the pages of my book Get Serious, we are adaptive organisms. What does that mean? Simple. Our bodies respond to “signals,” environmental signals, good or bad. Show your body “good signals” – exercise and proper nutrition, for example – and increase your “healthspan” or the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging. Do the opposite, and you’ll become yet another victim of the failed disease-centric, healthcare system.

Our primary practice goal is to teach you the “good signals” and help you develop habits that will promote health and stave off disease. How is this done? Data assessment. Firstly, we look at you through several different “lenses,” one of which is detailed blood work, and identify risk factors for disease, modifiable risk factors. These accumulate as we age. Why? “Bad signals!” And thankfully they are modifiable, as this gives you control. Those of you with a strong family history of coronary disease, I am talking to you. You are not destined to succumb to a fatal heart attack at age 35! Yes, a positive family history is a nonmodifiable genetic risk factor for coronary artery disease, but there are many others, modifiableones. Do you hear me? There are many other modifiable risk factors.

You Have Ample Opportunity To Prevent Disease.

Don’t kid yourself. You aren’t disease-free one day and the next admitted to a hospital with a brain hemorrhage. Typically, such strokes are the result of poorly controlled hypertension. Elevated blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke. A modifiable risk factor. And that diagnosis can be made from the comforts of your home. Buy a blood pressure cuff! And what about your blood sugar? Are you “insulin resistant”? If you’re obese, you likely have insulin resistance. Unto itself, obesity is a risk factor for many diseases including cancer. Why? For one thing, obesity-associated inflammation primes the system for the development of age-related diseases, many of which will flat-out kill you. Is this you? Do you meet the criteria to be considered categorically obese – BMI of 30 or above? What other disease risk factors do you have? It’s likely that you don’t know of any (which certainly does not equate to health). No problem. We’re here to help!

Risk Factor Assessment Is Primary.

By testing you for these risk factors, we will be able to identify if and when they rear their ugly heads. But don’t wait until you develop florid symptoms of disease prior to testing. Test now! Be assured that we will identify risk factors that are flying beneath the radar. A low Vitamin D3 level, for example. That’s a risk factor for disease. With a small amount of effort (taking a single supplement capsule daily), you can dramatically reduce your chances of developing certain diseases, breast cancer for example. A single intervention albeit one with a high impact! Who doesn’t know someone who has been ravaged by this dreaded disease?

The same goes for exercise. It is critical for us to exercise on a daily basis. Lack of exercise predisposes us to disease. Our bodies are meant to move. We are designed to exercise or should I say ‘engineered’? We are, at base level, machines with operating instructions written in code, the genetic code. Exercise switches on those particular genes associated with health and longevity. Strength training is a “good signal.” The right type of exercise confers protection from disease. Yes, it augments your immunity! You will be a leaner, sharper and healthier individual as a result of exercise. So don’t even think you are exempt from exercise because you “have no medical problems.” You will, in time. That said, the lack of exercise is a risk factor for disease. Inactivity is a risk factor for disease, period. And you have no excuses. Make exercise a priority! If I can exercise with my very busy schedule, so can you.

Customized Plan For Health. With A Neurosurgeon’s

As a neurosurgeon, I am faced with daily stresses to which I have become accustomed. This took practice and mental fortitude (more so than the technical aspects of surgery demanded). Unchecked stress results in poor performance, but more importantly unchecked stress is deleterious to your health. Until recently, this was unappreciated. Why? It is difficult to quantify. You can’t see it. It is intangible. But it can literally decimate your health.

Psychological stressors on a chronic basis initiate cascades of hormonal responses which ultimately serve a catabolic effect – that is, it eats up your muscle. Body weight will fluctuate, muscle mass will decline, and blood glucose elevation will promote the development of insulin resistance and potentially the Metabolic Syndrome. This primes the system for age-related disease such as atherosclerotic heart disease or “clogging of the arteries.” Am I telling you that chronic stress is associated with coronary artery disease? Damn right.

So identify those things that stress you out – the “bad signals” – and take the necessary steps to maintain them at bay. You are in control! Do not allow stress to reign unchecked. Stop it dead in its tracks before it evolves into a chronic problem and compromises your health.

You. Optimal!

Easy? No. Easier than you think, however. But it requires a little know-how and commitment. The knowledge, I hope to give you. It’s detailed in the pages of Get Serious. The commitment? That I leave to you. Health is a lifestyle. It’s a choice. There are no shortcuts. Fad diet or trendy “12 weeks to a great body” exercise programs do not lead to sustainable change. There is only one solution: a persistent effort to maintain health and thereby prevent disease. Too many people out there are seeking the latest and greatest in fitness and nutrition regimens, ever-searching for that elixir. They are attracted to a new technique or a new technology, but in reality, there is nothing new. There is simply more noise. The body functions physiologically in the same manner that it did 10,000 years ago! Successful weight loss regimens, for example, are simply permutations of the same principle (with proprietary branding) applied to human physiology. There are no “secrets.” Stick to the basics, the fundamentals, as outlined in Get Serious and as reiterated during your clinic experience.

A Customized Plan For Health. With a neurosurgeon’s attention to detail.

Our team will formulate a solution for you founded in science, an evidence-based roadmap for success. And then guide your quest for health.  Based upon your specific goals. We will be with you every step of the way.

Take Your First Step Here. It’s easier than you think.

  • Step 1: Choose your longevity medicine package: Essential/VIP Longevity Medicine or the Express Package.
  • Step 2: Obtain our deeply discounted diagnostic blood tests through a LabCorp local to you. How? A lab requisition from our office will be sent to your chosen LabCorp site after your initial contact with the office (Step 3).
  • Step 3: Contact our office via phone at 561-935-9233 or by clicking here to schedule your appointment. E-mail requests will be responded to expeditiously. A practice representative will reach out to you by return email, via voice or video conference and provide an introduction. Your chosen longevity medicine package will be confirmed at that time as well. Should you have any questions about your upcoming clinic visit (inclusive of needed diagnostic tests or travel details), please feel free to ask. An open line of communication with your healthcare team is paramount to our delivery of the ultimate patient experience.
  • Step 4: Commit. Choose health. We are here for you!