Dr. Osborn's
Express Longevity Medicine

“If you don’t make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness. Read that again.”

“The single best way to resist COVID is with a strong immune system, an optimized metabolism and a lean, healthy body. I haven’t been sick in years. You can do the same.”

— Dr. Brett A Osborn

  • Board-Certified Neurosurgeon
  • Board-Certified Anti-Aging Physician

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Download a FREE PDF of Dr. Osborn's Get Serious


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Access Dr. Osborn’s proven protocol at low-cost, from the comfort of your home.

The fastest, most convenient, cost-effective way to regain your:

Regain Your Energy
  • – Energy
  • – Leanness
  • – Sexual Health
  • – Physical Strength
  • – Mental Sharpness & Focus

AND: Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancers while strengthening your immune system to fight viruses (like COVID-19).

Start Now

Here's what's included:

  • Body composition testing
    (body fat % assessment)
  • Express physical examination
    (in a COVID-Free environment)
  • In-office blood draw/laboratory testing
  • In-depth Telemedicine consult (HIPAA-compliant platform)
    (to discuss your lab results)
  • Prescriptions to optimize your metabolic health and accelerate fat loss
  • Get a hard copy of Dr. Osborn's book Get Serious as well as the Get Serious Training Log
  • Follow-up blood draw at 12 weeks and at 6 months with accompanying Telemedicine follow-up visits

Start Now!

Step 1. Call us at (561) 935-9233 or register online by clicking the “START NOW” button below.

Step 2. Set up your EXPRESS in-office visit via our patient portal, email, or phone.

Step 3. EXPRESS physical examination and blood work.

Step 4. Schedule your Telemedicine visit (at the time of your EXPRESS physical exam).

Step 5. Receive your lab results and prescriptions during your virtual consult with our experienced Nurse Practitioner. Get the results that you want!

Feel Great. Look Great. Today!


I truly feel like I have a new lease on life.

In the past year, Dr. Osborn not only cured my diabetes, but I have more energy, mental focus, and drive than I can remember having when I was in my 30s. I truly feel like I have a new lease on life. Thank you Dr.Osborn!”


I feel great - energetic and more in shape physically from working out than I ever have in my life.

10 months ago a colleague recommended Dr. Osborn. I rolled my eyes because basically my whole adult life I have tried to lose weight and get in shape. I would do crash diets and work out for a short time and then give up. In October, at 52 years old I was 240 pounds and a 40” waist. I just figured that's what happens when you get to this point of life. Today, I am wearing a 34” waist and weigh 194 pounds. I feel great - energetic and more in shape physically from working out than I ever have in my life. Mentally, I am sharper and more optimistic than I have been in a long time. I never want this to end. Thanks Brett Osborn....you have no idea how life changing this has become for me.”


Anyway I'm pretty stoked!

For at least 15 yrs I've fluctuated between the high 90s and 110. Last Nov it was 108, last month when I saw the doc it was 98. No matter how healthy I thought I was getting. I think they call that pre-diabetic but none of my doctors over that time thought there was a need to prescribe anything. Dr Osborn thought high readings could be caused by high cortisol levels so I'm focusing on that too. Anyway I'm pretty stoked!”


Follow the program, have the mindset, set goals, never quit.

I have my Telehealth call with Dr Brett A Osborn this coming Monday and got my labs back. While not perfect yet, I was thrilled at my A1C now 5.3!! In March 2016 is was 13 and I was a metabolic mess. I was 5.7 in June. Inflammation markers are down significantly as well from where they were. Get Serious - it works!!! Looking forward to our call on Monday. They told me Diabetes can't be cured. Total Bull!! Don't believe it. #ikickeddiabetesass. I have learned so much. Follow the program, have the mindset, set goals, never quit. Can't thank Dr Osborn and Melissa enough for this program. #lifesaving.”


I highly recommend either making an appointment to see him or buying his book “Get Serious”. It’s a life changer!

Five years ago, I struggled getting to the gym. For more than a year, I’ve been going to the gym regularly and getting stronger. The difference is that I have a program, recommended by a physician, Brett Osborn, to follow. I highly recommend either making an appointment to see him or buying his book “Get Serious.” It’s a life changer!”


I still look at the scale sometimes, I am not bothered by it because of the changes that have taken place in such a short time.

I have a hard time not looking at the scale. It is the gauge that most of us have had engrained in our minds since we could understand such things. After the initial weight loss in the first couple weeks I have stayed steadily at the same weight, however I did take measurements when I first started and I know that I have lost inches, which I am thrilled about. My wife told me the other day that I look like I am deflating! I feel great and though I still look at the scale sometimes, I am not bothered by it because of the changes that have taken place in such a short time. I am into week 5 and I can't see anything that will make me go back to my old ways!”


Trust the science. Follow the science. IT works if YOU work it!

When I had my first appointment with Dr. Osborn this past August, I was wearing size 40" waist jeans. They weren't tight, but they were not "me". I've been in 40's for years and despite all the working out I did, it just did not lead me to the shelf in the closet where my 38's had been waiting for me for so long. Call me crazy, but since I started the protocol of lifting, eating, and supplementation on August 28, my size 38 jeans were literally falling off me yesterday. I could not get the belt tight enough. I thought I grabbed another pair of 38's today, but I just went into the bathroom here at work and checked. They are size 40. This should be an interesting day keeping my pants up... LOL! In addition, strength is up, and I'm hitting PR's in just about every lift every week now. My 12 week labs came back and some numbers were very good, some were okay and some still need work. But, I'm so much better off these days from taking the plunge and giving myself the gift of knowledge and motivation offered to me by Doc. For anyone taking a peek at us from the outside and wondering if this is right for them, I have this to say: Trust the science. Follow the science. IT works if YOU work it!”


The book is fabulous!

I have Dr. Osborn's book, and I would like you to please tell him how happy it made me to read the chapter on hormones. I am 62 and had surgical menopause from endometriosis at 32, so I have been on HRT for 30 years now. I have been fighting with doctors for decades who try to get me to go off of them, but my quality of life is wonderful because I am on them, and I don't plan to ever go off of them. I am a perfect "Guinea pig" for a doctor to prove that if i don't get cancer or a blood clot or a heart attack, that they are not dangerous to be on, but rather mimic how my body is in a homeostatic state. The book is fabulous!


Dr. Brett Osborn even took the time to show me how to improve my deadlift...

Melissa, great to meet you, the Doc, and team. FROGS – “The experience was totally worth the investment of time and resources. They answered every question and I left feeling more confident excited, and focused. Really understanding all of the blood work, the ultrasound of my arteries, and the detailed answers to all my questions was great. Dr. Brett Osborn even took the time to show me how to improve my deadlift in addition to answering ALL my questions. I feel fortunate that “Get Serious” came into my life. I have not encountered such caring and knowledgeable medical professionals. Looking forward to continued health. Thank you!”


...most consistent real science nutritional information out there!

I’ve been following Dr Osborn since a neighbor told me about his book a year ago. In 19 years of my own personal study and practice in weight training, Dr. Osborn’s material, seminars and teaching in whatever form is the best most consistent real science nutritional information out there!”
